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Most influential local guitarist

Nathan Smith

To be a guitarist is more than just jamming on your Axe and having a good time, it takes a lot of practice, interest and continued improvement on this legendary instrument.

"Nathan Smith"

To become a better guitarist one needs to acknowledge the fact that it is a life style not a hobby, it's more than just tunes, it’s a piece of who you are.

You need to listen to bands with cool guitarists, go to their shows, buy their albums, follow them, stalk them and study them closely.

Guitar Ninja will publish a series of articles to celebrate the most influential local guitarist, and discuss why these icons are worth the excessive effort to look beyond the melodies, guitar techniques and performances.

Why do they inspire us, and what we can learn from their stories?

Piet Botha created a legacy with his Axe, Nathan Smith is an example of a pioneer guitarist specially In the field of session. While Andre Kriel from The Black Cat Bones make it look cool just to walk.

Piet Botha, Nathan Smith, Andre Kriel, Andra, Albert Meintjies, Dirk Bisschoff, Jeremy Loops, Albert Frost, Pieter Toussiant, Jose Bezuidenhoud, Gerald Clark,Dan Patlansky and Jonathan Martin are local guitar ICONS that inspire up & coming guitarists for different reasons.

Dirk Bisschoff

Dirk Bisschoff "Prime Circle"

They are all lekker folks and love talking about their guitars, all of them are active and want other guitarist to succeed.

After a show go and have a drink with any one of them and get inspired to pick up your axe.

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